Custom metal sign created for New Hampshire outreach, newly updated in 2018 (first version made in 2016). Graphic’s colors are limited to enable printing on metal signage.
Please Specify the Agency:
Division of Plant Industry, New Hampshire Dept. Agriculture, Markets & Food
Keyword Tagging:
don’t move firewood sign, Division of Plant Industry, New Hampshire Dept. Agriculture, Markets & Food, out of state firewood is restricted
Email Address:
Don’t Move Firewood manager
The Nature Conservancy
NH Department of Agriculture Buy It Where You Burn It poster with emerald ash borer and many partnering agencies, made in 2015
Please Specify the Agency:
NH Department of Agriculture
Keyword Tagging:
new hampshire, emerald ash borer, poster, buy it where you burn it
Email Address:
Don’t Move Firewood Manager
The Nature Conservancy
1/3 page mailing slip for use with camping reservation in New Hampshire campgrounds, issued 2010
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
asian longhorned beetle, mailing slip, don’t move firewood mailing slip, new hampshire