Custom Don’t Move Firewood advertisement built for use in New England and Great Lakes northern forested states travel magazines. Designed and published in 2021. Features emerald ash borer, mixed hardwood and pine forest and green mountains imagery, and customized wording.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy, Don’t Move Firewood campaign
Keyword Tagging:
don’t move firewood advertisement, buy it where you burn it advertisement
Custom version of Don’t Move Firewood’s billboard design for Massachusetts PSA based outreach opportunity. Includes Buy It Where You Burn It logo and Asian longhorned beetle image. Made in many different aspect ratios for multiple placements.
Keyword Tagging:
don’t move firewood billboard, buy it where you burn it billboard
Email Address:
Don’t Move Firewood Manager
The Nature Conservancy
Cut out pre-colored in Asian longhorned beetle mask for halloween or any kid event. Great for teachers, students, kids, scouts, and more. The ALB is an invasive beetle in the USA, Canada, and parts of Europe. Two pages: face, and separate antennae page.
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
asian longhorned beetle, asian long-horned beetle, asian longhorned beetle mask, asian long-horned beetle mask, bug mask, alb mask, kids mask, color bug mask
Email Address:
Don’t Move Firewood campaign manager
The Nature Conservancy
Cut out Asian longhorned beetle mask for halloween or any kid event. Great for teachers, students, kids, scouts, and more. The ALB is an invasive beetle in the USA, Canada, and parts of Europe. Two pages: face, and separate antennae page.
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
asian longhorned beetle, asian long-horned beetle, asian longhorned beetle mask, asian long-horned beetle mask, bug mask, alb mask, kids mask
Email Address:
Coalitions and Networks Manager
The Nature Conservancy
Asian longhorned beetle tattoo with the Don’t Move Firewood logo in Spanish
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy
Keyword Tagging:
Asian Longhorned Beetle, ALB, Asian Longhorned Beetle tattoo, Don’t Move Firewood logo, Spanish, No Mueva la Lena
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A temporary tattoo of an Asian longhorned beetle along with the Don’t Move Firewood logo.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy
Keyword Tagging:
temporary tattoo, asian longhorned beetle, ALB tattoo