This is the second edition of Don’t Move Firewood’s new Firewood and Forest Pests newsletter; it was sent out in January, 2025. Contents include information on home and cabin heating, safe disposal of holiday greenery, northern giant hornet eradication in WA, an available position open for application at DMF, firewood regulatory updates, and more!
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging: Don’t Move Firewood newsletter, northern giant hornet, holiday greenery, regulations, news

Introducing the new Firewood and Forest Pests newsletter! This is the first edition; it was sent out in December, 2024. Contents include information on the new newsletter itself, holiday greenery, upcoming position opening at DMF, firewood regulatory updates and more!
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging: Don’t Move Firewood newsletter, holiday greenery, regulations, news

Email Address:
Don’t Move Firewood Manager
The Nature Conservancy
The region municipality of York (Ontario, Canada) made this cut out, pre-colored emerald ash borer do it yourself 3D model kit, also now available on Project Learning Tree. Great for teachers, students, kids, scouts, and more. Perfect for Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week. Multi-page with instructions.
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
emerald ash borer, emerald ash borer 3d model, kids activity, emerald ash borer awareness week, EAB awareness week, EAB
Email Address:
Don’t Move Firewood Manager
The Nature Conservancy
The region municipality of York (Ontario, Canada) made this cut out, pre-colored Asian longhorned beetle do it yourself 3D model kit, also available on Project Learning Tree. Great for teachers, students, kids, scouts, and more. The ALB is an invasive beetle in the USA, Canada, and parts of Europe. Multi-page with instructions.
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
asian longhorned beetle, asian longhorned beetle 3D model, ALB, bug model, kids activity, color bug model

Digital billboard style graphic (landscape) by Don’t Move Firewood that includes image of solar eclipse along with protective messaging, “Firewood Alert” and “buy it where you burn it” wording.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy; Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
buy it where you burn it, tree pests, solar eclipse, camping

Digital graphic by Don’t Move Firewood for use on social media. Includes image of solar eclipse along with protective messaging, “Firewood Alert” and “buy it where you burn it” wording.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy; Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
buy it where you burn it, tree pests, solar eclipse, camping

Firewood banner graphic by Don’t Move Firewood shared on social media. Image includes campfire and orange Don’t Move Firewood logo.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy; Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
buy it where you burn it, campfire, tree pests, logo

Spongy moth graphic by Don’t Move Firewood shared on social media. Image includes adult spongy moths and their eggs with “Don’t let them spread on firewood” messaging.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy; Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
buy it where you burn it,campfire, tree pests

Firewood graphic by Don’t Move Firewood shared on social media. Image includes campfire and firewood best practice messaging.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy; Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
buy it where you burn it, campfire, tree pests

Firewood graphic by Don’t Move Firewood shared on social media. Image includes ash tree with damage from emerald ash borer larval galleries and “your firewood choices matter” messaging.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy; Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
buy it where you burn it,campfire, tree pests, emerald ash borer