South Carolina

South Carolina’s state agencies strongly recommend using locally sourced firewood to prevent the transport of pests like the emerald ash borer, Asian longhorned beetle, redbay ambrosia beetle, and red imported fire ant.

Asian longhorned beetle is a highly destructive non-native pest that is both state and federally regulated in South Carolina; it is extremely important NOT to remove woody materials, including firewood, branches, or brush, from the Asian longhorned beetle quarantine area in Charleston and Dorchester counties (see here for quarantine boundary). If you see a beetle that might be the Asian longhorned beetle in South Carolina, please report it immediately at 843-973-8329 or

Things to keep in mind when using firewood in South Carolina:

  • It is best to buy certified, heat-treated firewood or get firewood locally (ideally within 10 miles from where you plan to burn it)
  • Congaree National Park prohibits outside firewood unless it has been either a.) purchased from a local supplier and has proof of purchase along with the packaging material, or b.) certified by the USDA as pest free and the user has the packaging material
  • South Carolina State Parks ask that campers use certified, heat-treated firewood or firewood that is locally sourced (the closer to the campground the better)
  • Private campgrounds often have their own firewood policies – be sure to find out the rules at your destination before traveling with firewood.
  • Neighboring states have areas under quarantine for pests such as spotted lanternfly, emerald ash borer, spongy moth, and others – and it is illegal to move firewood out of those quarantined zones and into South Carolina.

This summary is accurate to the best of DMF staff abilities as of 18 July 2024.

Web Resources:

Pest Specific Information:

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