
The Don’t Move Firewood campaign is an outreach partnership managed by The Nature Conservancy. The overarching goal of the campaign is to protect trees and forests all across North America from invasive insects and diseases that can travel in or on infested or contaminated firewood. The central tenet of the Don’t Move Firewood campaign is that everyone has a role to play in slowing the spread of invasive tree killing insects and diseases, through making better informed firewood choices. For more information on how you can do your part, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions.

The initial launch of the Don’t Move Firewood outreach campaign in 2008 was funded by the Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, The Nature Conservancy, and the USFS Northeastern Area. Since then, funding sources have varied greatly over time. For a full financial history of this campaign, please visit our Financial Support page.

The founding ideas and concepts of the Don’t Move Firewood campaign were developed from 2005 to 2007 under the auspices of the Continental Dialogue on Non-Native Forest Insects and Diseases. The Continental Dialogue is a group of organizations and individuals that cultivates and catalyzes collaborative action among diverse interests to abate the threat to North American forests from non-native insects and diseases. The website is owned by The Nature Conservancy as part of its efforts to support the actions of the Continental Dialogue. For more information on the Dialogue please go to: https://www.continentalforestdialogue.org/

If you have any questions, please visit the Contact Us page.